The strategy allows to invest in the large and high quality companies with long-term growth potential that is expected to exceed the benchmark results.  Companies are selected primarily through the fundamental analysis combined with complementary methods to achieve the most optimal portfolio structure, taking into account current market sentiment and expected trends. Portfolio value is being driven by capital gain, dividend yield and changes in the currencies’ value and relative currency movements.

Average annual yield *

21.43% p.a.

Overall yield *


* The overall yield and the average annual yield represent data for the period from 1 January 2015 to 31 June 2024.

Average annual yield

The average annual yield is calculated as the geometric average of gross returns for individual years of the investment period. This figure accounts for compound interest rates (i.e. a reinvestment of portfolio returns) as well as possible fluctuations of returns over the investment period, therefore is suitable to represent a portfolio performance.

Overall yield

The overall yield is an actual (gross) rate of return on investment over the investment period. The overall yield accounts for compound interest, capital gains and dividends.


A benchmark is generally an index against which a performance of a comparable fund or a portfolio is compared to. Hence benchmarks for individual WEM portfolios differ based on their specifications, risk level and geographical focus.
After selecting a benchmark from a dropdown list, the bottom performance chart will show you an overview of the alpha - the portfolio outperformance over a selected benchmark over a selected investment period.
Portfolios with no available benchmark will only have the "NONE" option available.

Gross and net performance

Gross performance is calculated as the total return on an investment before fees, commissions and taxes and includes compound interest, capital gains and dividends.
Net performance is gross performance net of fees, commissions, and taxes.

Current performance

Current performance shows gross performance for the selected investment period.

Graph legend

The upper chart shows the performance of the portfolio for the selected investment period. The bottom chart shows the performance of the portfolio since its inception.
You can also see the current performance on the graph. Please note that the value of current yield on the graphs and the overall yield might not match, as the overall yield is calculated based on a specific and predefined period.

With an active management approach run by seasoned professionals, the WEM Equity US portfolio has historically outperformed its benchmark. Average return over the last 9 years has been 21.43% p.a. with a total 9 year return of 532.50%.

The WEM Equity US portfolio is a compelling choice for risk-tolerant investors seeking attractive long-term returns.

Geographical focus US
Benchmark Index S&P 500
Risk level 6, higher risk
Target gross performance* > 10% p.a.
Investment horizon 5 years +
Optimal deposit ** EUR 30,000

* Calculated on the basis of historical performance before the deduction of fees, commissions and taxes.

** The optimal investment amount is an internally determined value sufficient for effective investment of the deposit. The minimum investment amount is EUR 15,000.

Portfolio performance

Profit/Loss Performance
2015 34.40%
2016 17.50%
2017 26.36%
2018 10.61%
2019 34.43%
2020 19.81%
2021 39.11%
2022 -19.39%
2023 31.24%


Profit/Loss Profit Loss Total
Number of days 872 689 1561
Percentage ratio 55.86% 44.14% 100.00%
Average 0.90% -0.93% 0.09%
Standard deviation 0.95% 1.09% 1.36%
Longest sequence (days) 11 7 11
Average sequence (days) 2.25 1.78 2.02
Entry fee 1 2% from each deposit
Exit fee -
Conversion fee 0.24%
Portfolio performance (p.a.) Management fee 2 Success fee 3 Performance fee 4
Less than 10% 0.24% - -
10% to 12.5% 0.24% 5.4% 10.2%
12.5% to 15% 0.24% 10.2% 10.2%
More than 15% 0.24% 15% 10.2%

1. The entry fee is a third party fee and is paid in full to the financial agent who mediated the conclusion of the Portfolio Management Agreement. WEM is entitled to charge the fee.

2. The management fee is charged monthly, as a percentage of the average value of the client portfolio for the given month. The fee does not include third party fees (e.g. stock exchange fees, bank fees, etc.).

3. The success fee is charged quarterly or on portfolio sales, as a percentage of the positive difference between the client's portfolio return and the agreed benchmark. When yielding at the interval boundary, the lower of the rates applies.

4. The performance fee is charged quarterly or on the sale of the portfolio, as a percentage of the total return of the client portfolio. When yielding at the interval boundary, the lower of the rates applies.

The High-water mark is applied to the performance and success fee. High-water mark is a principle of charging fees based on their highest cumulative past peak value. In this case, a fee will only be charged if the portfolio reaches a higher value of its cumulative returns or only from the part that exceeds the previous highest cumulative value of returns. Applied here is the sliding high-water mark for the past 2 periods (2 years).

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