Conservative portfolio
WEM High Yield Bonds
The portfolio allows investors to gain exposure to European and American corporate bonds of quality BBB or lower. The main source of return are coupons
as well as additional yields investors demand to hold riskier corporate bonds. As compared to investment-grade bonds, this strategy is designed to have a lower sensitivity to the interest rates which move in the opposite direction of bond prices.
Average annual yield *
4.84% p.a.
Overall yield *
Average annual yield
Overall yield
After selecting a benchmark from a dropdown list, the bottom performance chart will show you an overview of the alpha - the portfolio outperformance over a selected benchmark over a selected investment period.
Portfolios with no available benchmark will only have the "NONE" option available.
Gross and net performance
Net performance is gross performance net of fees, commissions, and taxes.
Current performance
Graph legend
You can also see the current performance on the graph. Please note that the value of current yield on the graphs and the overall yield might not match, as the overall yield is calculated based on a specific and predefined period.
The WEM High Yield Bonds conservative portfolio is suitable for investors seeking stable returns and stronger capital appreciation prospects as compared to investing in public sector bonds.
Geographical focus | US / EU |
Diversification | More than 250 companies |
Risk level | 5, medium risk |
Target gross performance* | > 4% p.a. |
Investment horizon | 4+ years |
Optimal deposit ** | EUR 30,000 |
* Calculated on the basis of historical performance before the deduction of fees, commissions and taxes.
** The optimal investment amount is an internally determined value sufficient for effective investment of the deposit. The minimum investment amount is EUR 10,000.
Portfolio performance
Profit/Loss | Performance |
2015 | -1.06% |
2016 | 7.96% |
2017 | 4.81% |
2018 | -3.58% |
2019 | 9.69% |
2020 | 1.15% |
2021 | 3.02% |
2022 | -7.13% |
2023 | 9.37% |
2024 | 12.13% |
Profit/Loss | Profit | Loss | Total |
Number of days | 897 | 664 | 1561 |
Percentage ratio | 57.46% | 42.54% | 100.00% |
Average | 0.20% | -0.24% | 0.01% |
Standard deviation | 0.35% | 0.50% | 0.47% |
Longest sequence (days) | 13 | 10 | 13 |
Average sequence (days) | 2.48 | 1.84 | 2.16 |
Entry fee 1 | 1% from each deposit |
Exit fee | - |
Conversion fee | 0.25% |
Management fee2 | 0.06% |
1. The entry fee is a third party fee and is paid in full to the financial agent who mediated the conclusion of the Portfolio Management Agreement. WEM is entitled to charge the fee.
2. The management fee is charged monthly, as a percentage of the average value of the client portfolio for the given month. The fee does not include third party fees (e.g. stock exchange fees, bank fees, etc.).
3. High-water mark is a principle of charging fees based on their highest cumulative past peak value. In this case, a fee will only be charged if the portfolio reaches a higher value of its cumulative returns or only from the part that exceeds the previous highest cumulative value of returns. Applied here is the sliding high-water mark for the past 2 periods (2 years).
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