WEM Jazz Night 2018

The summer was slowly coming to an end, when the invited clients of our company started coming to the beautiful space of the Aušpic restaurant, for the event, which was characterized by relaxing jazz music, excellent food and drinks in pleasant company. The zeroth year of WEM Jazz Night was mainly about you, our clients, whom we wanted to thank for trusting us and thanks to you we can progress.

When we embarked on the path of transparency and a professional, but above all fair approach, one of our goals was to bring the highest quality products to everyone. It is also thanks to our important clients that we can enable almost everyone to use the services of our stockbroker.

We would like to make this event an annual event, so that in the future clients will also have the opportunity to meet us, the real people behind world-class products and services, and to get to know our human side.

Thank you for changing the face of the financial world in Slovakia with us.
For more information, visit www.wemocp.sk
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