В WEM ние променяме живота на хората всеки ден. Можете да промените и вашия. Присъединете се.
Растеж. Предизвикателства. Отговорност. Поле за развитие.
Екипът на Wealth Effect Management се състои от хора, които споделят едни и същи ценности и обща визия. Ценности като характер, почтеност и честност. И силна визия да донесем най-добрите продукти и услуги, така че да можем да изградим финансовото състояние на нашите клиенти, да променим техния живот и да променим финансовия свят със собствения си пример.
Такава визия изисква изключителни хора. Професионалисти, които непрекъснато работят върху себе си и се усъвършенстват и преди всичко хора, които се подкрепят и се доверяват един на друг и които знаят как да поставят приоритет на обща цел пред собствените си изгоди или его.
WEM не е за всеки и работата тук не е лесна. Нашата визия е голяма. Тъй като изискваме много един от друг, ние даваме още повече на нашата група: силен екип, огромно количество подкрепа, доверие и отговорност – както и оценяване, признание и поле за развитие.
Можете да разглеждате работата в WEM като сложната лихва. Колкото по-рано започнете, толкова повече възможности ще имате да свършите изключителна работа и да оставите следа.
Peter Štadler
CEO, Founder
Повече от 5000+ клиенти
Повече от 5000 доволни клиенти от 2007
17 години
Повече от 17 години опит и резултати
Регулации и сигурност
Ние сме регулирани от Националната банка на Словакия чрез лиценз за инвестиционна компания.
Свободни позиции
Wealth Advisor
Wealth Effect Management is an international financial & investment company. We are licensed and operate in the fields of Wealth Management and Wealth Advisory. Our goal is to take care of our customers’ goals by providing them with the best professional services on the level of private banking and the best financial products on the market. We cover the following areas – investment, insurance, lending and real estate. Our company cooperates with the biggest banks, insurance companies and is offering investment and savings portfolios based on our own portfolio management team and unique product solutions.
Due to the growth of Wealth Effect Management in Bulgaria, as well as the great potential of this market, our company is looking for a proactive person to join our team. The position we are opening is:
Wealth Advisor
The ideal candidate must be ambitious, creative and self-motivated. Financial background will be considered an advantage.
We strongly believe that our team is our family and we are making sure that our personnel has opportunities to grow both on a personal and on a professional level. That is why we have developed a strict growth plan, inclusive culture and fair compensation.
What we offer:
- Full-time employment with a fixed salary and commission;
- Attractive bonus system;
- Flexible working hours;
- Every second Friday of the month is a day off;
- Regular teambuilding activities in a young and energetic team;
- Extensive training for new recruits as well as a dedicated manager for an easy start;
- Weekly trainings and educational materials to help you with your professional and personal development;
- Opportunity to use our savings and investment plans with no entrée fee and to have a discount for your family;
- Transparent, fair and motivational career growth opportunities;
- Friendly work atmosphere in a modern office environment.
Key accountabilities of the role:
- To attract and maintain active relationships with potential and current clients of the company;
- To advise the company’s customers on financial products and solutions in a professional manner;
- To have, gain and develop knowledge of financial markets and services;
- To provide current and potential clients with information about investing in different types of financial instruments;
- To maintain active and strong client relationships by e-mail, telephone and personal meetings;
- To follow the high standards, requirements and procedures of the company.
If you are interested in our position, please send us your CV. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted. All applications will be reviewed and stored under full confidentiality in accordance with the legal regulations.
Искам да кандидатствамMortgage specialist
Wealth Effect Management is an international financial & investment company. We are licensed and operate in the fields of Wealth Management and Wealth Advisory. Our goal is to take care of our customers’ goals by providing them with the best professional services on the level of private banking and the best financial products on the market. We cover the following areas – investment, insurance, lending and real estate. Our company cooperates with the biggest banks, insurance companies and is offering investment and savings portfolios based on our own portfolio management team and unique product solutions.
Due to the growth of Wealth Effect Management in Bulgaria, as well as the great potential of this market, our company is looking for a proactive person to join our team. The position we are opening is:
Mortgage specialist
The ideal candidate must be ambitious, creative and self-motivated. Financial background will be considered an advantage.
We strongly believe that our team is our family and we are making sure that our personnel has opportunities to grow both on a personal and on a professional level. That is why we have developed a strict growth plan, inclusive culture and fair compensation.
What we offer:
- Full-time employment with a fixed salary;
- Attractive bonus system;
- Regular teambuilding activities in a young and energetic team;
- Extensive training for new recruits as well as a dedicated manager for an easy start;
- Weekly trainings and educational materials to help you with your professional and personal development;
- Opportunity to use our savings, investment and pension plans with no entrée fee and to have a discount for your family;
- Transparent, fair and motivational career growth opportunities;
- Friendly work atmosphere in a modern office environment.
Key accountabilities of the role:
- To attract and maintain active relationships with potential and current clients of the company;
- To advise the company’s current and potential clients on lending products, fees and strategies in a professional manner;
- To have, gain and develop knowledge of banking products and services;
- To maintain active and strong client relationships by e-mail, telephone and personal meetings;
- To follow the high standards, requirements and procedures of the company.
If you are interested in our position, please send your CV. All applicants will be reviewed and kept in complete confidentiality in accordance with legal rights.
Искам да кандидатствамRecruitment specialist
Wealth Effect Management is an international financial & investment company. We operate in the field of Wealth management and Wealth Advisory. Our goal is to take care of our customers’ goals by providing them the best professional services on the private banking level and the best financial products on the market. We cover the following areas – investment, insurance, lending and real estate. Our company cooperates with the biggest banks, insurance companies and is offering investment and savings portfolios based on own portfolio management and own product solutions.
Due to the growth of Wealth Effect Management in Bulgaria, as well as the great potential of this market, our company is looking for:
Recruiter Specialist
- If you love to face different challenges and to go out of your comfort zone daily that help you grow and become even better;
- If you are focused on team work and developing a good working atmosphere;
- If you love communicate with people and to see the best in them
This position is for you!
Your responsibilities:
- Managing the full employee life cycle from recruitment, hiring, induction to exit;
- Creating job advertisements and searching for the most appropriate candidates;
- Ability to use different channels and searching for the most appropriate candidates;
- Organizing and managing administrative tasks and document flow;
- Participating in the process of introducing and adapting new employees to the job;
- Organizing appropriate events to help and improve the ability of employees in teamwork;
- Giving suggestions for conducting appropriate courses and trainings to develop the competencies and skills of the people in the team.
What we offer you:
- Fixed salary plus additional bonuses based on your work performance;
- Opportunity to work in a friendly team of young and energetic people;
- Being a part of an international company;
- Long-term job opportunity;
- Great work-life balance by flexible working hours and home office policy;
- Ability and freedom to implement innovative HR practices.
If you feel up to the challenge, please apply for this position by sending your detailed CV.
Thank You!
Only short-listed candidates will be contacted. Confidentiality is guaranteed
Искам да кандидатствамНе сте намерили правилната позиция, но все пак мислите, че трябва да знаем за вас?
Ако не сте намерили свободна позиция, която ви подхожда, но имате какво друго да предложите и бихте искали да участвате в преследването и реализирането на нашата визия, не се колебайте да ни разкажете за себе си. Моля, изпратете ни вашето CV.
Започнете да градите и развивате финансовото си състояние
Свържете се с нас – за нас ще бъде чест да изготвим индивидуален план за Вас за това как може да надградите активите си и да живеете пълноценен живот